New Release: Threaded Blog Comments

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Let us face the fact : there is no multi-threading possibilities for VBA. However, if you have any VBA program in your Excel workbook, create multiple copies of that workbook and finally start that VBA program within each of the copied workbook, you got multiple Excel workbooks (VBA programs) running simultaneously. By definition, that is multi-threading.
One may ask with very good reason why even bother, since we already have easy-to-use multi-threading libraries available for more sophisticated languages ? Sometimes you may not have any other choice. A few years ago I started to work with one 'state-of-the-art' analytics library for processing some extremely time-consuming calculations. By that time, all calculations were supposed to be processed in Excel and we did not have any access to real development API. Very fortunately, I discovered a collection of relevant VBA interface functions available for that library. Despite of this amazing discovery, processing calculations in VBA was still annoyingly slow. Finally I decided to test the scheme described above. I created multiple copies of one master workbook (which was having a relevant program for processing required calculations), opened multiple Excel workbooks and finally started a program within each workbook (almost) simultaneously. This was truly a 'poor man's multi-threading', but despite of that it really did the job well. Example program in this post is taking this described scheme a bit further, as it completely removes the burden of administrating required Excel workbooks.
The main idea for this program is to create desired amount of active workbook copies (which has a relevant program for processing required calculations) into a folder. Moreover, for each of the workbook copy, corresponding VB script file will be created for starting required VBA program within Excel workbook copy. VB script is also taking care of all relevant administrative responsibilities (cleaning all Excel workbooks and VB script files from folder after program execution). Calculation results from different Excel threads will be printed into a shared text file. It should be noted, that CommentsSomeComplexAlgorithm procedure is an entry point for Excel thread (started by VB script). For brevity reasons, the content of this example program has been left to be trivial (simulate random number between one and ten for delay time execution and finally store that number into a collection).
Insert a new VBA module and copy-paste the following program.New Release: Threaded Blog Comments
Simulating 100 random numbers (setting delay time to 1) using just one Excel thread : processing time 0:01:50.

Simulating 100 random numbers (setting delay time to 1) using four Excel threads (25 numbers for each thread) : processing time 0:00:30, which turns out to be almost quadruple time improvement in comparison with single-threaded processing.

Finally, thanks for reading this blog.

A perfect new hire press release template?

If you’re short on time, we’ve created a useful new employee (or promotion) announcement press release template that you can use. However, if you’re looking to create an exceptional new hire press release, let me show you watch to watch out for.

Let’s start with a mental exercise.

Here are two types of headlines: “A new PR Pro in The Company” and “John Smith joins The Company.”

In the first case, you get the impression that the person is “one of many.” The second headline suggests that the employee will strengthen the team because his/her name was announced in the headline. Which of these two new hire examples has got you thinking “who is it?” and thus aroused your curiosity?

A while back when I worked at the editorial office of one of the leading Polish PR platforms, I used to receive a new hire announcement press release virtually every day. These type of stories had their own section in our daily newsletter. Today, I still like to follow announcements on staff changes. They show the dynamics of the job market. I often think to myself, “This person started here and now he/she’s here.” After I have spent years of editing this type of news, I can see now that the way they’re crafted didn’t change much.

Someone may even come to think that a big name or a famous brand is a good enough recipe for a successful personnel change announcement. And though it is true, I know cases when the author missed this communication opportunity and presented the name of the new person… only in the second paragraph, following a rather lengthy description of the brand itself. I remember once I was so impressed with one announcement release I read that several days later I reached out to that person asking for an expert comment. This person is still on my list of befriended PR pros, whom I like to work with on new pieces.

Make sure your new employee (or promotion) announcement press release answers the following questions:

  • Who is the new employee (or person being promoted)?
  • What will be his/her function in the company?
  • What was his/her previous job/position?
  • How many years of experience does he/she have?
  • Who did she replace in this position (or is it a newly created function)?
  • (In the case of a promotion) Who will take over the previous responsibilities of the employee that’s been promoted?

Use an interactive press release to spread the word about your new hire announcement

New Release: Threaded Blog Comments Examples

Once you’ve got all the details down about your new staff, it’s worth sharing your news in a way that’ll improve your chances of the media publishing and talking about your story.

Digital, interactive press releases are a great way to do this.

Although journalists may be a little bit hesitant in the beginning, your news will definitely stick in their memory. Unlike traditional press releases, a digital press release is easy to copy, easy to download and difficult not to notice. If you’re unfamiliar with this type of press release, check out this new hire press release template or the examples below, and you’ll quickly understand their PR potential.

New team member press release example:

Multiple new hire announcement press release example:

Employee promotion announcement press release example:

Getting more personal – additional questions you can ask your new hire

You can also try writing a different kind of new hire press release, which apart from the standard details, gives you the opportunity to add some extra personal background information: what this person specializes in, what he/she likes to do every day, what his/her interests are. A seemingly insignificant description inspired me to write a lifestyle piece on how PR pros spend their time after work.

New Release: Threaded Blog Comments Tool

I recommend avoiding descriptions such as, “He/she prefers her coffee white, enjoys Scandinavian literature, and films by Almodóvar, Altman, and Allen. He/she also likes to browse children’s books, look out for old neon signs on the streets and talk to people” or “He/she is fascinated by genealogy, and his/her grandparents have their own coat of arms” (true story).

It’s a sure-fire way of getting your message thrown into the category of meme stories which “made a journalist’s day,” by making the journalist the only person who laughs.

Headshots and creative photos for your new hire press release

Including them in your new employee announcement press release is an absolute MUST, though it is not so obvious for everyone. It happened to me once that I received a press release announcing three new hires at a company where none of the photos attached were signed. The news was to be published ASAP, as it was about a big brand, so I had to compare the photos they sent me with the photos of these people on LinkedIn.

Finally, on a number of occasions I received press releases with an attached selfie (taken in a bathroom), a photo of a lady wearing a shirt buttoned up to the top with a giant bow (I don’t remember who she was, but the bow I’ll remember forever), but nothing beats a photo of a recognized specialist of a large institution who chose to attach a photo of herself wearing a head wreath.