Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac

  1. Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Windows 10
  2. Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Download
  3. Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Windows 7
  4. Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Drivers

Check the programming software that you plan on using to make sure is runs on the. Scanner Radio PC Interface FTDI USB Cable for Uniden Bearcat USB-1. 14-day return exchange policy if and only if. Uniden just released firmware 1.48 for the Uniden R1 and the Uniden R3. You computer will find and install the drivers for the Uniden BC125AT Scanner. Step 12 Take a look at your “Device Manager” window you will see the “BC125AT” listed under “Ports (COM & LPT)” Once you see this you have successfully installed the drivers. Please follow and like us. Essential Anatomy 5 Cracked For Mac Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Omnisphere 2 Mac Torrent Xtf 3.0 For Mac Best Internet Software For Mac 10.8.5 Creatures free. download full Version Mac Torrent Find Normal.dotm In Word For Mac 2018 App Cleaner And Uninstaller Mac Serial Scrivener 2.8 Keygen Mac.

Scan125 Control Program
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Supported Scanners: Uniden UBC125XLT, BC125AT, UBC126AT andAlbrecht AE126H

The Scan125 Control Program is currently Freewarewith a Careware/Charity statusand objective. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Careware).

Please Donate to mysupported charity which I would very much appreciate, as will they,and will keep me developing and supporting the programs.
The Scan125 Control Program SuiteUniden bearcat bc125at driver for mac windows 10consists of two programs. Then main Scan125 Control Program and the Scan125Convert Utility Program.
The project started in November 2013 with the first public non betarelease in April 2014. Since then Scan125 has been regularlydeveloped and supported into the product you see today with many of thefeatures and functions being implemented in response to userrequests. Since it's inception and release it has supportedscanning real time control and virtual console/display function.
Up to 25 August 2018 Scan125 had achieved over 3500registered users in 57 countries. Since then and with V2.5.0.0 onwards thefree registration is no longer required. The number ofusers will no doubt continue to grow and is a very welcome endorsementof the program's growth and equally important the feedback andencouragement I have received from so many people. Thank you all!

It would be really great to be world famous and earn millions ofpounds from doing crappy software but it is not going to happen sountil I win the lottery I'll have to be poor and boring.

  • Scan125Control Program - the original full control program for realtime controlling (with scanner display) and also the loading, savingand editing of data to/from the following scanners:
  • Uniden UBC125XLT -(Nov.2013)
  • Uniden BC125AT - (Nov.2013)
  • Uniden UBC126AT - (Jun.2015)
  • Albrecht AE125H - (Jul.2017)
  • Support real time control, with virtual console and display, forALL the above listed Scanners.
  • Support setting of many scanner controls with a single mousebutton click - e.g Close Call Settings
  • Support virtual bank naming
  • Support all these scanners in one package
  • Support real time logging and auto saving of scan hits
  • Support audio recording with automatic start/stop/pause and spiltfile recording
  • Support for many other features not available in other software
  • ALL FOR FREE andsupporting Charity if you choose to
  • Scan125Convert Utility Program -for reading CSV data files and converting them to Scan125 ControlProgram format data files.
These programs run on Windowsup to and including Windows 10.
Scan125ConvertUtility Programis currently Freeware.
Both programs work individually of each other and each has their ownversion numbers and release cycles.
Please note that the Scan125 Control Program also requires the separate installation of thenecessary Uniden Serial Driver which is also available on THIS website in the Scan125 Downloadlocation.
ForApple PC/MAC users using BOOTCAMP, PARALLELS or VMware to run Windowsthen by using the latest version the Scan125 Control Program youshould be able to run Scan125 on your system. If not then pleaselet me know.

Note! I check all my software before uploading with MalwarebytesPro and Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus. In addition I useVirusTotal.com to confirm as they have over 60 scanner engines. Despite these actions you may find that your AntiVirus/Securitysoftware may flag my software. This is because I use a sourceprotection obfuscator which confuses them. Please report to mevia Email any cases where you find any issue with downloading mysoftware. When I receive such reports I downloadmyself and revalidate. I then contact the anti virus softwarevendor with a false positive report. It can take them 48hours or longer to process and update their definitions. Meanwhile you can also use VirusTotal.com for yourself and decide ifyou want to create an exception in your software.

Current Release - V3.3.0.0 - 10 October 2020

The current release version, files and MD5 checksums are as detailed inthe table below:
MD5 Checksum
10 October 2020
10 October 2020

NEW in V3.3.0.0
  • Add - Add HTML Frequency Monitoring File (useful for audiostreaming information and website information)
  • Add - Error message trap for when scanner returns more statusdata fields then expected (stops hard errors)
Modifications in V3.3.0.0
  • None
Fixes in V3.3.0.0
  • Fix - Notepad data not being written in release V3.2.0.0 only
  • Fix - Fix _waveWriter.dispose exception if recording not done(only visible in Windows Event logs)
Known Issues in V3.3.0.0 Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac
  • None
To Download the currentversion please follow the link below BUTPLEASE also ensure you install the Scan125 according to the Driver Installation Instructions and the ProgramInstallation Instructions . Failure to do this will result inavoidable installation issues which will waste both of our time.
Go to Scan125Download page.
All documentation, including the User Manual is included in thisdownload.
PreviousRelease Details can be found here:

Next Release will have:

  • Possibly - Anything else users ask me for

Thanks to Everyone

Just a 'top note' to say thanks to everyone using my program. With each release not only are new functions being added BUT MOSTIMPORTANTLY those bugs (silly or large) that people care to tell meabout are getting fixed. So if you see/experience a bug of anydescription then please let me know. Please Donate to mysupported charity which I would very much appreciate, as will they,and will keep me developing and supporting the programs.
The Program is currently Freeware(see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeware)with a Careware/Charity statusand objective (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Careware). It operates with no limitations. The author reserves the right tochange the program status and limitations on any future release. Existing releases will retain their status and your right to use thembut support may not be available.
The Uniden UBC125XLT is a European region orientated scanner. TheBC125AT is the equivalent US reqion orientated scanner. TheUBC126AT is the equivalent Australia/New Zealand region orientatedscanner. They are very similar but not identical. TheAlbrecht AE125H scanner is a licensed and branded clone of the UnidenUBC125XLT scanner for the European market..
This program supports the UBC125XLT, BC125AT, UBC126AT and AE125Hscanners. I must be point out that as I do not have the BC125AT,UBC126AT and AE125H scanners I have relied on people who have thesescanners being very helpful in testing and reporting issues. Ifyou find a problem/issue with any of the supported scanners then*please* let me know so I can try and resolve it.
Scan125 written in Visual Basic and .NET V4.5. The program iscurrently portable and will run from any 'user' directory it is placedin. It also currently makes no registry changes or any othersystem changes, no required network connections etc. so is benign innature and operation and protects your privacy. If a Windowssystem directory, like Program Files, is chosen then administratorrights will have to be assigned to the program. For securityreasons it is suggested/recommended that a User directory is chosen.
The program also makes no hidden calls home and will not automaticallycheck for program updates by default. There are however somefunctions that the user can manually invoke which will make a URLconnection to my Scan125 website. Also a program option can beset to allow it to check my websites for updates every 'n' days, as set by user.
The Program also requires the installation of the Uniden_Universal_Driver USB/serialdriver which is available for download on this site.Driver
ForApple PC/MAC users using BOOTCAMP, PARALLELS or VMware to run Windowsthen from Version of the Scan125 Control Program youshould be able to run Scan125 on your system. If not then pleaselet me know.

Screen Shots

Everybody wants to know how a program looks so here are three screenshots. If you view the manual then more will be revealed.
For the Uniden UBC125XLT and Albrecht AE125H Scanners you will seethis: (for Model: AE125H you will see Model: AE125H on the form titleline)
For the Uniden BC125AT Scanner you will see this:
For the Uniden UBC126AT Scanner you will see this:

Functions And Features And History

The User Manualis the comprehensive place to see and understand this program.
The History filedetails program development features and bug fixes.
The ReadMe filecovers some basic information relating the program.
To Download the currentversion of Scan125 please got to Scan125 Download page.
Please see the Program and DriverInstallation section of the UserManual for program download and installation instructions.
All documentation, including the User Manual is included in thisdownload.

User Manual

You can view the user manual here.
The manual is included in the software download which can be found onthe Scan125DownloadUniden bearcat bc125at driver for mac windows 10 page/directory.

Driver InstallationRequired

The Scan125 Control Program also requiresthe separate installation of the necessary Uniden Serial Driver.
The required driver can be found on the Bc125atScan125 Download page inthe Uniden_Universal_Driverfolder.
Please see the Program and DriverInstallation section of the UserManual for driver download and installation instructions.The programs is written in .NET Visual Basic (V4.5) as a portableapplications that has no install program and does not make WindowsRegistry changes.. This means that basically it will only run ona Windows PC that has .NET V.35 installed. I've notresearched the Linux and Apple platforms to see if they can support.NET based applications. If they do and you can get this programto work on any other platform, e.g. Linux and under Wine then pleaselet me know and I will put the details here for others to see.
ForApple PC/MAC users using BOOTCAMP, PARALLELS or VMware to run Windowsthen from Version of the Scan125 Control Program youshould be able to run Scan125 on your system. If not then pleaselet me know.At the bottom of this page, in the programs and in the User Manual youwill find my contact Email address.

Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Windows 10

I will do my best to fix any bugs that you hopefully do not find. If you are reporting a bug then please give me as much information asyou can. Operating system (e.g. Windows XP/Vista/7/10), sequenceof events or actions that you went through, and anything else that mayassist me.
I cannot guarantee to fix all bugs, nor agree a time frame for anyfixes. Having said this, as previously stated I will do mybest. I do guarantee that I will acknowledge your bug report assoon as I can, providing I can contact you via a valid Emailaddress.
If you do not wish to be contacted then say so in your bugreport. I will then just note the problem and delete your Emailand associated address at my end.
See my Privacy Policy.Just below and at the bottom of this page, in the program and in theUser Manual you will find my contact Email address.
I welcome any Function Requests and/or Suggestions. I cannotguarantee to implement them, nor a time frame if I decide to. Ifyou are contacting me to suggest function or make suggestions then itwill be to both our benefits if I can respond to you via Email.
If you donot wish to be contacted then say so in your Email. I will thenjust note the request/suggestion and delete your Email and associatedaddress at my end. See my Privacy Policy.If you want or need to contact me about this program then please Email:

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© Nick Bailey 2013-2020

From The RadioReference Wiki

Includes units made by predecessor Electra.

Specific questions on these scanners can be directed to the Uniden forum at Radioreference; be sureto look at the articles first. For software recommendations, USB cables, operating tricks and tips, see the appropriate section in the scanner's article or our Programming Your Uniden Scanner article. For information on reading the serial number, see the Uniden Scanner Serial Numbers article

See also Category:Uniden Scanners.

  • The following convention should be used for specifying whether a trunktracker is Rebanding capable or not;
    • YES - means that the scanner's firmware can be modified (or in the case of Home Patrol, data downloaded from the database) to support rebanding. Go to the Uniden TWiki Scanner Manuals Page for a comprehensive list of updates. Note that the XT models come rebanding-ready out of the box, but later firmware adds or fixes features.
    • NO - means that the scanner's firmware cannot be modified to support rebanding

When adding a new article for this topic, please CATEGORIZE these pages by adding [[Category:Uniden Scanners]] as the last line

Base/Mobile Scanners

Radio PageImageReleasedRebanding Trunk TrackingSeries
2019YesDigital - Trunking:Motorola,EDACS,LTR, Digital:P25(Phase 1+2), (with upgrades) EDACS ProVoice, Conventional DMR, MOTOTRBO (TM) Capacity Plus, Connect Plus, Linked Capacity Plus, Tier III, NXDN / Full US Database Load / GPS384Z
Beartracker 885
BearTracker 885
2018YesDigital - Trunking: Motorola,EDACS,LTR, Digital:P25(Phase 1+2) / GPS / CB - PreProgrammed for Police/Fire/EMS/DeptofTrans/Highway Patrol - Beartracker Warning System / Unable to program user freq. / Updated US Database weekly.378Z
BCD996P22015 03YesDigital - Trunking: Motorola,EDACS,LTR, Digital:P25(Phase 1+2), (with upgrades) EDACS ProVoice, Conventional DMR, MOTOTRBO (TM) Capacity Plus, Connect Plus, Linked Capacity Plus, Tier III, NXDN / GPS378Z
BCD536HP2014 01Yes-Download from RRDBDigital - Trunking:Motorola,EDACS,LTR,Digital: P25 (Phase 1+2), (with upgrades) EDACS ProVoice, Conventional DMR, MOTOTRBO (TM) Capacity Plus, Connect Plus, Linked Capacity Plus, Tier III, NXDN - Full US Database Load / GPS375Z
HomePatrol-22014 11Yes-Download from RRDBDigital - Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR, Digital: P25 (Phase 1 and 2) - Full US Database Load / GPS377Z
BC-355N2012YesNo Trunking Mobile - Service Search 25-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/406-512Mhz/806-956Mhz (no cell)
HomePatrol-12010 11Yes-Download from RRDBDigital- Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR, Digital: P25 (Phase 1) / Full US Database Load / GPS363Z
BCT15X2009 08YesAnalog - Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR / GPS / SAME / 25-512Mhz/758-823Mhz/894-960Mhz/1240-1300Mhz361Z
BCD996XT2009 07YesDigital - Trunking:Motorola, EDACS, LTR, DigitalP25 (Phase 1) / GPS / 25,000 Channels /100ch sec scan / 25-512Mhz/758-823Mhz/849-868Mhz/894-960Mhz/1240-1300Mhz360Z
UBC800XLT2008 02N/AAnalog- Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR Channels: 6,000 / GPS / 100ch sec scan / 25-512Mhz/806-960Mhz (no cell)/1240-1300Mhz.
BC-RH962007 02N/ARemote head for: BCD996T/BCD996XT/BCT15/BCT15X/BCD396T/BCD396XT/BR330T/BC346XT - will work with BCD996P2 with a converter. (Firmware req. for XT scanners)705Z
BCT152006 06YesAnalog- Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR / Channels: 2,500 / 100ch sec scan / 25-512Mhz/764-776Mhz/794-956Mhz (no cell)/1240-1300Mhz336Z
BC370CRS2006 06N/ANo Trunking-AM/FM Clock Radio / SAME - 25-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/225-512Mhz/806-956Mhz (no cell)/520-1720Khz(AM)/88-108Mhz(FM)338Z
BCD996T2006 05YesDigital- Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR, Digital: P25 (Phase 1) Channels 25,000/ GPS / 25-512Mhz/758-823Mhz/849-868Mhz/894-960Mhz/1240-1300Mhz335Z
BC340CRS2006 04N/ANo Trunking- Clock Radio -Service Search / 100 Channel AM/FM/29-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/406-512Mhz/337Z
BC898T2004 08YesAnalog- Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR - SAME / 25-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/216-512Mhz/806-956Mhz (no cell)322Z
BCT82004 02YesAnalog- Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR - Channels 250 / BearTracker Warning Sys / 25-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/400-512Mhz/806-956Mhz (no cell)318Z
BC350C2004N/ANo Trunking - Channels 100 user / 100ch sec scan / 25-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/406-512Mhz/806-956Mhz (no cell)317Z
BC796D2003 12YesDigital- Trunking:Motorola, EDACS, LTR, Digital: P25 (Phase 1) - SAME/Channels 1,000/ 25-512Mhz/849-868Mhz/894-956Mhz/1240-1300Mhz320Z
BC785D2003 02NoAnalog- Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR (w/BC25i card) Motorola Mixed mode 3600 baud- SAME/Channels 1,000/ 25-512Mhz/849-868Mhz/894-956Mhz/1240-1300Mhz316Z
BC780XLT2000NoAnalog- Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR - SAME / Channels 500 / 100ch sec scan/ 25-512Mhza/806-956Mhz (no cell)/1240-1300Mhz.
BC278CLT1999NoNo Trunking Clock Radio / SAME - 100 Channel - AM/FM/25-174Mhz/406-512Mhz/806-956Mhz (no cell)
BC248CLT1999NoNo Trunking Clock Radio / SAME - 50 Channel - AM/FM/29-54Mhz/137-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
BC895XLT1997 09NoAnalog- Trunking: Motorola I/II - Channels: 300 /Scan 100 Ch sec/ 29-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/216-512Mhz/806-956Mhz (no cell)
BCT-12 StormTracker1997N/ANo Trunking Mobile/Pre-program for 50 States/ Bearcat Warning System/37-46Mhz/138-172Mhz/423-508Mhz/806-868Mhz
BCT-121996N/ANo Trunking Mobile/Pre-program for 50 States/ Bearcat Warning System/37-46Mhz/138-172Mhz/423-508Mhz/806-868Mhz
BC-760XLT1995N/ANo Trunking -100 Channel/Mobile/Pre-program / - 29-54Mhz/118-174Mhz/406-512Mhz/806-956Mhz
BC-590XLT1995N/ANo Trunking -100 Channel /Mobile/Pre-Progrma/ 29-54Mhz/118-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
BCT-101995N/ANo Trunking -Mobile/Pre-program for 50 States/ Bearcat Warning System/37-46Mhz/138-172Mhz/423-508Mhz
BCT71994?N/ANo Trunking - Mobile - BearTracker Alert System / 100 Channel CB/29-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/406-512Mhz/806-956Mhz
BC-9000XLT1994N/ANo Trunking - 500 Channel / Alphanumeric - 25-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/216-512Mhz/806-956Mhz
BC-148XLT1992N/ANo Trunking - 16 Channel / 2 Digit Display - 29-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
BCT-21989N/ANo Trunking- Mobile -Pre-Programmed for 50 states / Beartracker Warning System - 29-54Mhz/118-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
MR81001989?N/ANo Trunking - 100 Channel - 29-54Mhz/118-174Mhz/406-512Mhz/806-956Mhz
BCT-11987N/ANo Trunking -Mobile -Pre-Programmed for 50 states - 29-54Mhz/118-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
1987N/ANo Trunking - 16 Channel - 29-54Mhz/118-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
Bearcat 210XLT1987N/ANo Trunking- 40 channels - 29-54Mhz/118-174Mhz/416-512Mhz.
1986N/ANo Trunking - 16 Channel - 66-88Mhz/118-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
BC-172XL1985N/ANo Trunking - 20 Channel - 29-54Mhz/108-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
BC-1401983N/ANo Trunking - Mobile - Channels - 10 Channel / 29-54Mhz/136-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
BC-1801982N/ANo Trunking - 16 Channel / 30-50Mhz/138-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
BC-1601982N/ANo Trunking - Channels - 16 Channel / 32-50Mhz/144-174Mhz/450-512Mhz
BC3501981N/ANo Trunking- Mobile - Channels - 50 user / 29-54Mhz/137-174Mhz/406-512Mhz
BC3001979N/ANo Trunking - 50 channels 30-50Mhz/108-136Mhz/144-174Mhz/420-512Mhz.
Bearcat 2101977N/ANo Trunking - 10 channels - 32-50Mhz/146-174Mhz/416-512Mhz.
Bearcat 12
Bearcat 12
??N/AAnalog - Crystal - 10 Channel Vhf-Lo/Vhf-Hi/Uhf-lo/Uhf-hi 33-48Mhz/146-174Mhz/450-512Mhz.
Bearcat 8-Track
Bearcat 8Track
??N/AAnalog - Crystal - 4 Channel - VHF Hi/Lo 36-44Mhz/152-162Mhz (For autos with 8 Track Player).
Bearcat 8
Bearcat 8
??N/AAnalog - Crystal - 8 Channel 33-48Mhz/146-174Mhz/450-512Mhz
Bearcat 6
Bearcat 6
??N/AAnalog - Crystal - 6 Channel 30-48Mhz/146-174Mhz.
Bearcat 5
Bearcat 5
??N/AAnalog - Crystal - 8 Channel 30-50Mhz/146-174Mhz/450-512Mhz.
Bearcat Electra IV
Bearcat IV
1974N/AAnalog - Crystal - 8 Channel - 30-50Mhz/146-174Mhz/450-512Mhz
Bearcat Electra III
Bearcat III
1971N/AAnalog - Crystal - 8 Channel 30-54Mhz/146-174Mhz/450-512Mhz

Handheld Scanners

Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Download

Radio PageImageReleasedRebanding Trunk TrackingSeries
SDS1002018YesDigital - Motorola, EDACS, LTR, P25 (Phase 1+2),(with upgrades) EDACS ProVoice, Conventional DMR, MOTOTRBO (TM) Capacity Plus, Connect Plus, Linked Capacity Plus, Tier III, NXDN383Z
BCD325P2Apr 2015YesDigital - Motorola, EDACS, LTR, P25 (Phase 1+2), (with upgrades) EDACS ProVoice, Conventional DMR, MOTOTRBO (TM) Capacity Plus, Connect Plus, Linked Capacity Plus, Tier III, NXDN379Z
BCD436HPJan 2014Yes-Download from RRDBDigital - Motorola, EDACS, LTR, P25 (Phase 1+2), (with upgrades) EDACS ProVoice, Conventional DMR, MOTOTRBO (TM) Capacity Plus, Connect Plus, Linked Capacity Plus, Tier III, NXDN376Z
SR30C2019N/ANo Trunking385Z
BC75XLT2013N/ANo Trunking372Z
BC125AT2012N/ANo Trunking370Z
BC346XT2009YesAnalog - Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR358Z
BCD396XT2009YesDigital - Motorola, EDACS, LTR, P25 (Phase 1)359Z
UBC30XLT2006N/ANo Trunking
BC95XLT2006N/ANo Trunking323Z
BCD396T2005YesDigital - Motorola, EDACS, LTR, P25 (Phase 1)328Z
BR330T2005-2007YesAnalog - Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR330Z
UBC3500XLT?N/ANo Trunking
BC92XLT2005N/ANo Trunking
BC246T2004YesAnalog - Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR326Z
SC2302004?N/ANo Trunking
BC296DEarly 2004YesDigital - Motorola, EDACS, LTR, P25 (Phase 1)319Z
BC72XLT2004 (China made) or 2011 (Viet Nam made)N/ANo Trunking323Z (China) 365Z (Viet Nam)
BC250D &
Fall 2003NoAnalog - Trunking: Motorola, EDACS, LTR315Z
SC2001999N/ANo Trunking
SC1801999N/ANo Trunking
BC245XLT1999/2000NoAnalog - Trunking: Motorola, EDACS
BC235XLT1997NoAnalog - Trunking: Motorola
BC3000XLT1995N/ANo Trunking
BC80XLT1995?N/ANo Trunking
BC60XLT1994?N/ANo Trunking
SC1501992?N/ANo Trunking
BC200XLT1988-?N/ANo Trunking
BC100XLT1987-?N/ANo Trunking
BC1001981N/ANo Trunking


  • Form for requesting a scanner part that isn't listed on Uniden's main site.

Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Windows 7


Conventional programming for most 'older' Uniden scanners. Most scanners can be programmed in these five easy steps:

  1. Press Manual 1 Manual (should be channel 1)
  2. Enter a frequency
  3. Press E
  4. Press Manual to advance to the next channel
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4

Uniden Bearcat Bc125at Driver For Mac Drivers

Conventional Programming XT/T Series of Scanners

  1. Press 'Hold/Resume' Key While Scanning a Cnv System.
  2. From the Keypad input the Frequency directly ie '162.5500'
  3. Press 'E/Yes' key
  4. Quick Freq Save?
  5. Press 'E/Yes'
  6. This will save the conventional frequency to the 'Qck Save Cnv System -> Qck Save Grp'
  7. If you desire to place the Cnv Freq. in a already existing conventional system press '.No' key, then select the Conventional system from the menu.

Uniden Scanners for Sale

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