Where To Find Capital For Your Awesome Idea


Raise Capital for your Startup

Since 2011, MicroVentures has invested in over 400 companies

Image Credits: Unsplash 1. Funding your own idea: This way of raising funds is the most common among startup’s early stages. Founders or the team members put their money together for their startup. Get heaping discounts to books you love delivered straight to your inbox. We’ll feature a different book each week and share exclusive deals you won’t find anywhere else. Pre-schoolers will crawl in your lap and just eat it up. It also helps to promote literacy. Check with local pre-schools, neighborhood centers, and libraries to see if there is a time your youth group can come in to read to the children. Your group can read both Christian and Non-Christian books and act out skits to entertain the kids.

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We raise capital for startups and small businesses through Regulation D, Regulation A, and Regulation Crowdfunding. Once you apply, we can discuss which option might be right for you.

What We Look For

Our investors are always looking for great opportunities. If you have a company with a unique idea, then we are interested in learning more. The sweet spot for our platform is companies or startups that need at least $150,000 to $1,000,000 in capital.

What Our Investors Look For

1. A unique or new idea.If it’s not new, they want to see an innovative spin on old technology.

2. Market traction, which could be in Alpha or Beta customers, partnerships, revenue, or other metrics that define success. They’re not just looking for good ideas—they want ideas + execution.

3. A solid team with experience in their industry.

In other words, our investors look for three things:Good Ideas, Market Traction, and a Good Team.

Company FAQ

How long will the funding process take?


It typically takes us 6 weeks from the time of your application submission to final approval and the actual funding date. Once fully funded, you should expect to receive your funds within 2 weeks.

What information will I be required to provide during the evaluation process?

Our Due Diligence Team will analyze the business information and funding request from your application and prepare the funding report that goes to the MicroVentures Investment Committee.

How does MicroVentures determine whether my business is eligible to be listed on the site?

MicroVentures looks for businesses that have a unique idea or a new spin on an old technology. We review the team, traction, market size and other factors to determine if the company will be a good fit for our platform. Additionally, we believe in accountability to the business (or concept), which is one reason we seek to identify firms whose founders already have invested their own capital in their business.

When does the money from investors actually distribute to my business?

Typically 14 days after funding is completed, MicroVentures will complete the investment process and disburse the funds.

How long will an investor be required to hold my shares?

The requirement is one year based on SEC regulations.

Who determines the value of outstanding shares?

MicroVentures and the business will work together to determine the value of outstanding shares.

How do I request additional funding for my business if needed?

We are happy to consider assisting in additional funding rounds. All you have to do is contact us.

Ready to Apply?

Raise Capital for your Startup

Since 2011, MicroVentures has invested in over 400 companies

Where To Find Capital For Your Awesome Idea Card

We raise capital for startups and small businesses through Regulation D, Regulation A, and Regulation Crowdfunding. Once you apply, we can discuss which option might be right for you.

What We Look For

Our investors are always looking for great opportunities. If you have a company with a unique idea, then we are interested in learning more. The sweet spot for our platform is companies or startups that need at least $150,000 to $1,000,000 in capital.

What Our Investors Look For

1. A unique or new idea.If it’s not new, they want to see an innovative spin on old technology.

2. Market traction, which could be in Alpha or Beta customers, partnerships, revenue, or other metrics that define success. They’re not just looking for good ideas—they want ideas + execution.


3. A solid team with experience in their industry.

In other words, our investors look for three things:Good Ideas, Market Traction, and a Good Team.

Company FAQ

How long will the funding process take?

Where to find capital for your awesome idea card

It typically takes us 6 weeks from the time of your application submission to final approval and the actual funding date. Once fully funded, you should expect to receive your funds within 2 weeks.

What information will I be required to provide during the evaluation process?

Our Due Diligence Team will analyze the business information and funding request from your application and prepare the funding report that goes to the MicroVentures Investment Committee.

Where To Find Capital For Your Awesome Idea Cards

How does MicroVentures determine whether my business is eligible to be listed on the site?

Where To Find Capital For Your Awesome Idea For A

MicroVentures looks for businesses that have a unique idea or a new spin on an old technology. We review the team, traction, market size and other factors to determine if the company will be a good fit for our platform. Additionally, we believe in accountability to the business (or concept), which is one reason we seek to identify firms whose founders already have invested their own capital in their business.


When does the money from investors actually distribute to my business?

Typically 14 days after funding is completed, MicroVentures will complete the investment process and disburse the funds.

How long will an investor be required to hold my shares?

The requirement is one year based on SEC regulations.

Who determines the value of outstanding shares?

MicroVentures and the business will work together to determine the value of outstanding shares.

Where To Find Capital For Your Awesome Idea Check

How do I request additional funding for my business if needed?

We are happy to consider assisting in additional funding rounds. All you have to do is contact us.

Ready to Apply?