Shaun McNiff is author and artist internationally known in the arts and therapy, arts and healing, art-based research, and creativity enhancement. Frontline summit. Oakland Unite’s inaugural Frontline Summit was the first of its kind and was held in June 2018. Watch the video of this powerful day! The Oncology Business Dynamics Learning Platform addresses the need to have a high level of understanding of the non-clinical issues that are influencing the decision making process for hem/oncs today. Measuring the success of a training program is a vital way of proving the cost effectiveness of that training. In addition, the provider wants to know that the skills learned are being implemented in the workplace, if attitudes are improved and if any gaps in the learning remain. Training definition, the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained: He's in training for the Olympics.
Welcome to the Department of Violence Prevention Training Website! Here, DVP’s grantees will find information about upcoming training opportunities hosted and sponsored by DVP. These trainings are free of charge for all current DVP grantees. The purpose of these trainings is to invest in the DVP network by strengthening the overall capacity and effectiveness in being changemakers for the City of Oakland and to foster a community of learning. Let’s get started…

DVP is currently offering a fall virtual series.


The Life Coaching Certification Fellowship offers frontline providers and program managers the opportunity to become certified Life Coaches. Click below to meet the 4th cohort of fellows.
Hiv Conferences And Trainings 2017
Frontline summit
Oakland Unite’s inaugural Frontline Summit was the first of its kind and was held in June 2018. Watch the video of this powerful day!
Bir Seminars And Trainings 2017
Bright Research Group was selected by Oakland Unite through a competitive bidding process to plan and implement a training and technical assistance plan for Oakland Unite grantees. Oakland Unite and Bright Research Group partnered to deliver this series of trainings to Oakland Unite grantees. For more information, please contact us.