Refresh Your Site For 2017 With These 4 Great Design Trends

You could have the best content and marketing plan on the planet. If you don’t have the right design to package it all together, you’re not going to get very far. After all, we’re visual creatures, which often makes us more inclined to buy a product or use a service if we like what we see. To be honest, web design can be pretty intimidating, and just like everything else, it can be hard to keep up with the trends. We’re here to tell you that you don’t need a degree in computer programming and graphic design in order to create — or at least conceptualize — your perfect website. Below, we’ve listed a few web design ideas that are always guaranteed to wow.

  1. Refresh Your Site For 2017 With These 4 Great Design Trends 2019
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  3. Refresh Your Site For 2017 With These 4 Great Design Trends Free

1. Clean, Simple, Organized

Sometimes trends fade out as quickly as they rush in! Here, we’re going to look at some website design trends that are fading. (And that’s a good thing.) If you have these elements on your site, it might be time to consider a refresh.

Simple sells — just ask Apple. Merchandise photos that are brightly lit and shot on sparse backgrounds are super trendy right now, and for good reason: they show the customer exactly what they’re getting. No distractions, no frills.

  • A great way to incorporate this into your site is by making your logo or any identifying signs and symbols as a vector image. This is not only versatile for you — you can easily make this image small enough for a sticker or large enough for a wall mural —the graphic nature of the images could also be easier for people to retain.
  • Inspirational Interior Design Ideas for Living Room Design, Bedroom Design, Kitchen Design and the entire home. Home Designing Blog Magazine covering Architecture, Cool Products!

Customers also tend to associate minimalist design with high-end brands. Think about it: are luxury stores ever packed with merchandise? Not usually, and even if you do have a lot of products, your customers shouldn’t feel overwhelmed. Visual space helps clear the mind and makes choices easier. With pared-down images organized into grids, your customers will be more likely to appreciate variety without getting overloaded.

2. Multimedia Components

There are a lot of cool things happening with video right now, and one of our favorites is the “infinite loop.” These are videos that are static on a page and play automatically. They also seamlessly loop over and over again, and almost give the impression that you’re watching a live feed. This is a great way to make a personal connection with your customers, because it adds a level of realism that goes beyond just having product images and written descriptions. Rather, it helps connect them to more of their senses and makes them want to be a part of whatever world you’re showing.

Another great movement-based component is a 360-degree product view. Whether you do this as a video or allow customers to use their cursor to move around an item, it’s a simple way to let people interact with a product, and gives them a lot more information to help guide their purchasing decisions.

3. Custom Art

Simplicity is the name of the game, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice color by any means. In fact, the combination of clean lines and a unique color scheme is truly the ultimate recipe for success. Some of the hottest trends right now? Flat design and vector art.

Flat design eliminates any kind of shadowing, shading, or other 3D effects. To keep things from looking too stark and rigid, you’ll definitely want to inject some color into your page header and also into any buttons or menus, while the rest of your page can remain somewhat neutral to keep the focus on your images and text.

On a technical level, vector art uses mathematical equations and basic lines, points, and shapes to create sharp, clean images that can be scaled up or down without any loss of quality. Because of the way vector art is made, the end result tends to look very solid and bold. A great way to incorporate this into your site is by making your logo or any identifying signs and symbols as a vector image. This is not only versatile for you — you can easily make this image small enough for a sticker or large enough for a wall mural —the graphic nature of the images could also be easier for people to retain.

4. Unique Navigation Bars and Menus


You want to make it as easy as possible for people to navigate your site. If a customer can’t instantly find what they’re looking for, they’ll go elsewhere. It’s that simple. Sidebars are the typical choice, and they are a great way to categorize information. However, we’re really loving fixed headers with drop-down menus, especially when a menu opens by simply hovering your cursor over a word. This will allow customers to easily get to the information they need, and a header often takes up less visual space on your site. That way you can keep the focus on your products and images, but getting around is still a snap.

5. Instantly-Recognizable Logo

If you invest in one design feature for your site — and for your brand — make it a killer logo. Although typography has been around since, well, pretty much forever, we’re loving the recent resurgence in unique typefaces and more intricately-designed brand names that have almost a hand-crafted feel. A unique logo not only makes your brand easily identifiable, it also gives you the chance to visually showcase your brand’s identity and point of view. Design elicits emotions in people, and you’ll want to make sure you’re hitting the right notes. Is your brand fun and effortless? Maybe an intricate, loopy script is right for you. Want to evoke seriousness without being stuffy? Think thick, even lettering in darker colors, maybe with a just simple underline.

Inspired by all of these design ideas? We hope you got a few tips and tricks to help streamline your site and enhance your image. Coco Chanel advised taking off one accessory before leaving the house, and we think the same holds true for web design as well: when in doubt, simplify. Did you just revamp your site, or have a logo design you really love? Let us know in the comments below!

When it comes to revamping or redecorating your home, interior design trends fluctuate like apparel in the fashion industry. Hiring a professional interior designer can be expensive — the more experience they bring to the table the more the homeowner pays. These budget-friendly interior design trends for 2017 allow homeowners the opportunity to draw on creative ideas for inspiration without breaking the bank.

image source: GoHaus

The key to pulling off these 5 interior design tips is to think about your space with a creative mind and a keen attention to detail!

1. Painting the Rooms

The most affordable investment when it comes to interior design is painting a room. In 2017, earth-tone paint colors are being utilized to help give furnishings and accessories more focus. Going with a darker wall color and painting the trim and moldings a lighter solid color creates a professional look that is clean and soothing at the same time. A popular trend for 2017 is having two adjoining walls painted different shades of earth-tone paint, and keeping with this theme throughout the house.

image source: Decoholic

2. Increasing Smaller Spaces

Living in smaller spaces has never been as popular as it is today, with more families moving into smaller homes to be able to afford their lifestyle. This has created a unique design trend, allowing homeowners to utilize that smaller space by going up and under. Things like custom bookcases that stretch from floor to ceiling create a dramatic effect, while allowing you to get a ton of items normally scattered around the house all into one location without taking up a ton of space. Storage compartments can be made to hide behind bathroom and bedroom full-length sliding mirrors and in closets, where accessories can be hidden out of sight but still be within arm’s reach. Check out these Design Ideas for Small Spaces by HGTV to get more ideas like this.

3. Focusing on the Floors

Changing the appearance of the flooring is an affordable interior design trend that will have a long-lasting positive impact on your entire decor. This year, many families are opting for vinyl click flooring instead of expensive wall-to-wall carpeting. Installing vinyl plank flooring is quite easy and one of the most affordable flooring options for many do-it-yourself homeowners. Once the room has been prepped, all that is required is positioning the planks and pressing them together until they click into place. Often there is minimal prep work, and no contractor is needed, making it an affordable design option that drastically improve the appearance and value of a home.

4. Buying Secondhand

The popularity of yard sale buyers and flea market flippers on television has inspired a new interior design trend that is taking the country by storm. Consider getting some furniture for a room at a yard sale, church rummage sale, estate sale, or even a consignment shop. Many folks who have fallen on hard times are letting go of barely used furniture that can be had for a fraction of the retail price. If the pieces have solid construction and need minor upholstery work, you can easily stay under budget and transform the look of the home with like-new furniture and accessories.

5. Reproduction Architecture

Interior design on a budget means getting creative with what you already have. To create stunning wall frames or sconces, all you need is a few rolls of painter’s tape. Also, by arranging the tape in certain way, you can now paint vertical and horizontal lines that give the room the appearance of depth and length. Creating squares and rectangles on the walls are perfect for framing out furniture or isolating different pictures.

These budget-friendly interior design trends for 2017 allow money-conscious homeowners to update their décor and style without breaking the bank or having to hire an expensive design team. With some budget shopping and attention to detail, you can keep your home looking modern, cozy and full of life!

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