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The fucking game was meant to be played by the Japanese(menu text) and there's tons of Japanese cultural references, very specific ones. Extremely specific. The idea that kikiyama made a game set in South America and that Madotsuki, fucking Madostuki would be Mexican because of one visual aspect of the game is mind-blowingly retarded. In Gunblood you challenge nine dangerous cowboys to a bloody duel to the death. Hover your cursor over the barrel at the bottom of the screen until the countdown has gone from 3 to 0. Then lift your gun and blast away at that bloody vermin trying to kill you. Your speed and your aim will determine how well you score.
Game Suggestions Shooting RPG Ragdoll Action Fighting Puzzle Strategy Sports Super Smash Flash 9 Sandbox Game. We will have a variety of games on our website, and we will never stop uploading. We ask you to request games on our 'Game Request' page. Best part about our website is that it is completely free to use, and it is unblocked on most school computers. That means you can take your favorite games anywhere that has internet access.
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Douglas Adams
'A collaborative guide, one that was written and kept up to date by the people who used it, in real time, might be a neat idea. I just didn't really realise that such a thing might be possible in my lifetime or how powerful such a thing might be.'
A place to share knowledge and celebrate the things you love by writing about them
We have the first snowflake. Now let's build a blizzard
Gunblood Potato Games
h2g2 founder Douglas Adams
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'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers.'
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Gun Bloodpotato Games Online
The Foundation
Gun Bloodpotato Games To Play
Co-founded by the h2g2 community, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Foundation is an independent charity honouring Douglas Adams' memory by supporting people around the world trying to improve their communication skills, especially basic literacy skills.