The School Sport and Activity Action Plan
To give children more opportunities to access 60 minutes of daily sport and physical activity, the government has developed the School Sport and Activity Action plan.

Independent review of the teaching of early reading. Download with Google Download with Facebook. A curriculum is a set of subjects for an educational institution, or a set of subjects within a course. In bilingual schools some subjects in the curriculum are taught in one language and some in the other. The British Curriculum is also known the National Curriculum for England, and this system of education stresses creativity, critical thinking and flexibility. At the same time, the British Curriculum includes a series of measurable and achievable goals, each designed to build on what went before while preparing the student for their future work. An effective English language arts curriculum emphasizes writing as an essential way to develop, clarify, and communicate ideas in expository, persuasive, narrative, and expressive discourse. At all levels, students’ writing records their imagination and exploration. Defining the Effective Curriculum Before we could begin to design a process for curriculum renewal, we needed to answer a fundamental question: What is an effective curriculum? In our view, an effective curriculum increases students' understanding about the world around them and prepares them to live in the 21st century.
Using learnings taken from our world-leading Active Lives Children and Young People Survey, the plan sets out a range of measures to strengthen the role of physical activity within a young person’s daily routine, explains how teachers and parents can play their part, and details how to promote a joined-up approach to physical activity and mental wellbeing.
We’re working at the heart of this plan, which includes the following:
An additional £2 million investment from us to create 400 new after-school satellite clubs to get more young people in disadvantaged areas active.
The Department for Education (DfE) committing £2.5m to deliver extra training for PE teachers, help schools open their facilities at weekends and holidays, and expand sports volunteering programmes.
A new Inspection Framework, developed between Ofsted and DfE, that will see schools expected to give children a broad, balanced education, including opportunities to get active during the school day and through extracurricular activities.
A series of regional pilots, joint-funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and DfE, through us, to trial innovative approaches to getting more young people active – particularly less active groups such as girls and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Schools and sports clubs will work together to share their facilities and expertise, giving more pupils access to character-building competitive sport and volunteering opportunities. They will focus on ensuring boys and girls have an equal and coordinated offer of sport, competition and activity, including modern PE lessons and access to high-quality clubs and competitions after school and during weekends and holidays.
Primary PE and Sport Premium fund
Through the Department for Education, the government's investing into primary schools in the form of the Primary PE and Sport Premium fund.
To support the fund (which you can learn more about by clicking here), we’re working with other national partners and the government. Together, we’ve collectively developed this vision for PE and school sport:
All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
Promoting best practice for primary schools
For a comprehensive guide to all aspects of physical activity in primary schools, the national partners have also produced a series of guidance documents to promote best practice for primary schools:
- Effective Professional Learning goes further into the objectives of the Primary PE and Sport Premium fund and looks at the best ways to deliver effective professional learning.
- Designed for primary school headteachers, Employment and Deployment of Coaches has more information and guidance on using sports coaches in primary schools.
Active Partnerships
There are 43 Active Partnerships across England that play a role in advocating, supporting and sign-posting schools to help them make best use of their premium funding.
Who are the national partners?
- The Association for Physical Education is the only physical education subject association in the UK. It's committed to being the representative organisation of choice for people and organisations delivering or supporting the delivery of physical education in schools and in the wider community
- Active Partnerships aim to improve lives by growing grassroots sport and physical activity. More information can be found here
- UK Coaching is the lead coaching agency in the UK and has collaborated with national partners to produce a free-to-access web portal with all the information schools need to maximise the use of coaches in their school through the Primary PE and Sport Premium. For more information, visit the Coaching in Primary Schools portal
- The Youth Sport Trust is a national charity building a brighter future for young people through PE and sport. Through 20 years' experience, it's developed a unique way of maximising the power of sport to grow young people, schools and communities through the development of qualities including creativity, aspiration, resilience and empathy.
Higher and further education
Higher and further education institutions play a significant role in maintaining and growing student interest in sport.
Both can help to build positive attitudes to sport and physical activity as the foundations of an active life, whether engaging with students who don’t currently take part, or by helping those who are active to carry on.
Further education
Further education and sixth form colleges play a significant role in maintaining and growing their students' interest in sport and physical activity, as well as providing opportunities for them to try out new sports.
Colleges are key in ensuring that young people make a smooth transition from school to college and on to employment or further study. As a result, they can also have a huge effect on reducing the number of young people that drop out of sport as they move through these key transition points.
We work closely with AoC Sport on the delivery of the national strategy for sport in colleges. Its goal is for all college students to have access to sporting opportunities.
Our partnership also advocates and promotes the value of sport to colleges and community sport partners.
Higher education
We invest in British Universities and Colleges Sport's (BUCS) Sport Development team to help students to take part in sport and physical activity while at university.
They do this by providing opportunities to all students as well as supporting and promoting the lifestyle and educational benefits of an active life.
Learn more about the work we’ve been doing to engage students with sport and physical activity at university by watching the two videos below.
Active Universities
Investing in University Sport
Find out more about BUCS by clicking here.
Further resources
Studio You
Studio You is a new digital platform for secondary schools that’ll give PE teachers across England access to a free digital library of video-based lessons.
It’s been created with teachers and young people to inspire less physically literate students to feel confident and comfortable being active at school.
We’re investing £1.5 million of National Lottery funding into a partnership with Hopscotch Consulting to create this video-on-demand platform, featuring less traditional disciplines such as yoga, boxing, dance, barre and Pilates.
Englandeffective Curriculum Ideas Middle School
Video lessons and supplementary teaching guidance have been designed with support from the Association for Physical Education, EMDUK and Activity Alliance, and the platform offers PE teachers practical support on how to use the video content in their schemes of work.
Insight informing the investment
Our Active Lives Children and Young People Attitudes Survey, published in March 2019, showed that enjoyment is the key driver to activity levels, with boys and girls who strongly agree that they ‘enjoy sport’ doing 33% more minutes of activity than those who don’t.

The survey also shows that physical literacy declines with age for both boys and girls.
Englandeffective Curriculum Ideas Activities
And children in Years 3-6 (ages 7-11) are more likely to report a positive attitude than young people in Years 7-11 (ages 11-16). Therefore, older children, especially teenage girls, are less likely to enjoy PE.
Focus groups conducted on our behalf by Future Thinking, suggested a resource that allows teenage girls to choose their own exercise programme may help these girls re-engage with PE.

With this resource, we aim to improve teenage girls’ experience of PE in the years where the analysis tells us girls are least likely to be active.
This Girl Can
Studio You is part of our This Girl Can campaign that inspired more than 3.9 million women to get active.
In line with This Girl Can’s focus on realism, Studio You features small groups of diverse and relatable young people in its videos and delivers lessons that help make PE accessible, fun and rewarding for inactive students.
Studio You is currently being piloted in 20 schools, before being made widely available to schools across England from February 2021.
Satellite clubs
Satellite clubs can help bridge the gap between school, college and community sport – and provide new opportunities for young people to get active.
They give young people the chance to regularly take part in sport and physical activity in a convenient and enjoyable environment.
They're designed around their needs and ultimately give a positive experience of being active.
Satellite clubs have helped thousands of young people to get active and are primarily focused on young people, aged 14-19, who aren’t already active, particularly those who are in groups typically under-represented in sport.
For more information on satellite clubs, download our Satellite Club Guidance and Evaluation Report by clicking on the links below.
Alternatively, for more information you can contact us or speak to your nearest Active Partnership – find yours by clicking here.
School Games
Through the School Games, we're inspiring young people across the country to take part in competitive school sport.
The Games are made up of four levels of activity: competition in schools, between schools, at county/area level and a national event for the most talented school-age athletes.
By providing competition in different formats, it makes competition more attractive and accessible for young people and ensures they can all take part in competitive sport irrespective of their experience, talent or ability.
The four levels provide pathways for young people to progress and develop:
The most talented young people in the UK are selected to compete in high-performance venues.
Countywide competitions are usually held twice a year to find the best performers in the area as a culmination of school sport competition.
Individuals and teams are selected to represent their schools against other local schools in competitions run by School Games organisers, with the winning teams progressing to a County Final event.
Sporting competition for all students held within their school, culminating in a School Games Day.
To date, more than 19,000 schools have signed up to the School Games website. This will give more than 150,000 young people a competitive experience, with more than 11,000 young volunteers supporting these events.
National partners
The School Games is being delivered through partnerships. It consists of us and:
- The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who have overall policy leadership, supported by the Department for Education and the Department of Health
- The British Paralympic Association, who bring the vision and inspiration of the Paralympic Games to the School Games
- The Youth Sport Trust, which is commissioned by us to provide development support to schools, sports and other local partners. We work closely with the Youth Sport Trust to deliver the School Games at all levels.
We’ve invested £5 million across 49 colleges to help more students live active lives.
We've compiled and explained a host of research to help you support children and young people to get physically active.
Our Families Fund is investing in projects that give children and their parents or caregivers what they really want and need to get active.