Text Wrangler For Mac Osx 10.10

TextWrangler - works fine iCloud/iWork ♥♥♥♥ like contacts, Calendar, pages and stuff work and look great. Mac OS X 10.10 (14A261i) Report Version: 11. For detailed information on using any of TextWrangler's features, please refer to the user manual (choose 'User Manual' from TextWrangler's Help menu). Requirements TextWrangler 5.5.2 requires Mac OS X 10.9.5 or later, up to macOS 10.12.6 'Sierra'. If you want to see what is inside the document UpdateMoodle.sh please feel free to open it with a text editor, e.g. It is only a text file but it uses a OS X feature to open and execute the script with the Terminal program. You don't need to learn anything. Doubleclick to update everything. (Note that TextWrangler 4 will only run on OS X 10.6 and later.) We get the more-robust search capabilities of recent versions of BBEdit, too, and you can even search inside compressed files. The UNIX underpinnings of macOS allows custom actions to be written in any language that can work with stdin, stdout, and environment variables, and for complex interactions TextMate expose both WebKit and a dialog framework for Mac-native or HTML-based interfaces.

Step 1: Where to install the Files

Opinions differ about the best location for installing the downloaded files.
In practice you can install the Oracle instant client files anywhere on your file system so long as the PATH environment variable is updated to include that directory in the search path
  • Some install instructions suggest copying the install files into the directories:
    /usr/lib or /usr/bin
    This works - but is best avoided. My concern with this approach is that these are the default locations for OS X libraries and commands. Copying in non-standard items gets messy when things go wrong - complicating the process to diagnose and fix issues because of the difficulty identifying which items should (and shouldn’t) be there. If you upgrade Instant Client in future, copying in the new version’s files over top may result in a mixture of old/new libraries which triggers unexpected behaviour. However, if you have issues defining environmental variables then this may be your only choice.
  • In Oracle’s installation example, they’ve created a directory:
    This gives you a separate (clearly specified) directory for your Instant Client files. It’s also good choice as /opt is the base directory favoured for non-standard (i.e. optional) software installs in Unix operating systems …but it’s just not commonly used in Mac circles.
  • My preferred option is:
    This has the advantage of the choice above - but is a more Mac-like alternative. This is the directory I’ll specify for these instructions going forward (but feel free to use whichever location you think is most appropriate for you).
After downloading the three packages above:
  1. Extract instantclient-basic and instantclient-plus zip files into single folder (e.g. /Library/Oracle/instantclient_11_2), then
  2. Create a subfolder named “sdk” inside that folder, and extract instantclient-sdk into it.

TextWrangler 5.5.2 Release Notes

TextWrangler 5.5.2 is a focused maintenance update which includes fixes for reported issues.

For details on all the new features and enhancements available in TextWrangler 5, please see its release notes.

For information on changes made in previous versions, please see the release notes archive.

For detailed information on using any of TextWrangler's features, please refer to the user manual (choose 'User Manual' from TextWrangler's Help menu).


TextWrangler 5.5.2 requires Mac OS X 10.9.5 or later, up to macOS 10.12.6 'Sierra'. TextWrangler is not however compatible with macOS 10.13 'High Sierra' or 10.4 'Mojave', and will not run under macOS 10.15 'Catalina'.


  • On the 'Text Display' submenu of the View menu, there are threenew commands: 'Zoom In', 'Zoom Out', and 'Actual Size'. Use theseto change the magnification of the text in editing views. Forconvenience you can assign keyboard equivalents to these commandsin the 'Menus & Shortcuts' preferences.


  • The 'List Display Font' setting in the Appearance preferenceshas been replaced with a slider to set the font size. Lists inthe application all use the system font. Most will use thespecified size, except in specific cases where circumstancerequires the use of a fixed font size.

  • Added Command-K and Command-R as keyboard equivalents for 'CheckSyntax' and 'Run', respectively.

  • Differences that have been applied are now crossed out in theDifferences window list, in order to avoid janky font italicizingeffects on some OS versions.

  • When using 'Check Syntax' or 'Run' on an unsaved or untitleddocument, the application will now write out a temporary copy ofthe document. In the case of untitled documents, the temporarycopy will be in the system-designated temporary items location,which is arbitrary but generally not anywhere near $HOME.


  • Fixed a case in which changes made by a documentDidSaveattachment script would trigger a subsequent warning about thedocument having unsaved changes.

  • Fixed a pair of bugs that conspired to prevent scratchpaddocuments (the Scratchpad and Unix Worksheet) from correctlyremembering and restoring their state across open/close cycles.

  • Fixed a crash which would occur when changing alanguage-specific color scheme setting to 'Application Defaults'.

  • The 'BBEdit Light' and 'BBEdit Classic' color schemes no longerinclude explicit highlight colors, thus allowing the systemhighlight color selection to apply.

  • Fixed bug in which the color used for highlighting selecteditems in lists wouldn't always track changes to the highlightcolor setting in the General system preferences.

  • Fixed a crash which would occur on OS X 10.12 when opening thePreferences window more than once during a run of theapplication. (This addresses Radar 27293621.)

  • Fixed bug in which using up-arrow and down-arrow while in theOpen File by Name window's search box would change the selectionin the results list, without bringing it into view.

  • Worked around OS behavior on 10.11 in which the search box inthe Open File by Name window would lose keyboard focus and notget it back when it should have.

  • Fixed bug in which changing the 'Document navigation' setting inthe Appearance preferences didn't take effect until you created anew window or restarted the application.

  • Fixed bug in which the file info panel for remote documents(opened via built-in FTP/SFTP or a third-party file transferclient) would show file information for the backing cache file,rather than hiding the Info and Permissions tabs as was intended.

  • The 'Copy Path' commands on the Edit menu now behave reasonablyfor documents opened from remote sources via the built-inFTP/SFTP support as well as by external file-transfer clients.

  • Fixed a bug in which a -37 error would be reported when tryingto save a new document with a name containing certain characters.

  • Fixed bug in which keywords matched by the 'Keyword Pattern' ina codeless language module were colored as comments rather thanas keywords.

  • Fixed bug in which 'Open Counterpart' and the Counterparts menudidn't find eligible files in the absence of data from the OpenFile by Name cache.

  • Fixed bug in which filenames whose extensions ended with adecimal digit would not match a custom language mapping for thatextension.

  • Made a change to resolve an SSL connection failure whenattempting 'Check for Updates' on macOS Sierra.

  • Fixed a layout goof in the Keyboard preferences on pre-10.11 OSversions.

  • Fixed a bug in progress reporting in which the progress dialogwould occasionally be blank, except for the progress bar andCancel button.

  • Added additional diagnostic logging to help diagnose cases inwhich Unix tool execution fails unexpectedly.

  • TeX comments no longer interfere with Balance operations.

  • When using the 'Check Syntax' or 'Run' commands for a supportedlanguage, the command path in the #! line is now honored inpreference to the language module's built-in command. Anyspecific arguments for debugging (e.g. -d for Perl) may beadded as needed, and if so will be added after any argumentsspecified on the #! line.

  • Updated the list of Perl keywords, and split Perl predefinedfunctions into a separate list so that they're colored aspredefined names, and not as language keywords.

  • When using the 'Check Syntax' or 'Run' commands for a supportedlanguage, the command path in the #! line is now honored inpreference to the language module's built-in command. Anyspecific arguments for debugging (e.g. -d for Perl) may beadded as needed, and if so will be added after any argumentsspecified on the #! line.

  • Fixed cosmetic bug in which items in the recently used searchstrings popup (in the Find and Multi-File Search windows) hadbackslashes escaped.

  • Fixed bug in which the general-purpose 'Unix Script Output' logwould be nested one folder deeper in ~/Library/Logs/BBEdit/than it should have been.

  • Fixed a crash which would occur when using a property specifieras the source for a scripted multi-file search/replace operation.

  • Text output from Unix scripts and filters is now normalized, sothat any carriage return (ASCII 13) characters are converted tothe internal representation, rather than appearing as gremlins.

  • Fixed drawing glitch which would occur when showing or hidingthe Navigation Bar.

  • Script execution from the 'Run' command now displays progress insituations where it didn't before.

  • When looking for installed Unix tools, the application will nowenforce the restriction that any binary executables actuallycontain code that is runnable on the current CPU architecture.This fixes problems on systems that have obsolete PowerPC codeinstalled in paths used by the application to find executables.

  • Removed vestigial entry from the results alert for the 'InstallCommand-Line Tools' operation.

  • Fixed bug in which Markdown syntax coloring would becomeinconsistent during certain edits in text that was not part of alist or quoted block.

  • Fixed incorrect coloring of Markdown inline code while typing anunterminated code run at the end of a document.

  • Fixed drawing glitch which would occur in the list header ofdisk browser windows when resizing the sidebar required a textlayout change.

  • Added support for the 'squished heredoc' syntax introduced inRuby 2.3.

  • Removed the factory default keyboard equivalent for 'Print All',because it's a little too close to the factory default equivalentfor 'Previous Document'.

  • Made a change to improve behavior when receiving text draggedfrom applications which only provide byte-swapped UTF-16 (I'mlooking at you, Messages.app).

  • Fixed drawing glitches which would occur when resizing thesidebar in Differences windows.

  • Fixed bug in which the size of the differences list inDifferences windows was not maintained correctly when reshapingthe window (and sometimes it would disappear altogether).

  • When creating a new document from stationery, and the stationeryfile has a name extension that maps to a known language, the newdocument's language will be set to that language. For example, anew document created from a stationery file named 'foo.tex'will have a language of TeX, and a document created from astationery file named 'bar.mm' will have a language ofObjective-C++.

  • Fixed bug in which the application would crash while opening theMulti-File Search window in cases where a previously selectedtext document had had its backing file deleted.

  • 'Remove Line Breaks' no longer causes a visible 'jump' to thebeginning of the document in the view being processed.

  • Fixed bug in which using the Text Options popover woulddestabilize the application.

  • The Terminal command file generated by 'Run in Terminal' nowcontains logic to delete itself as well as the temporary copycreated when running an unsaved document (if applicable) afterexecution is complete.

  • Fixed bug in which literal string matching ('is', 'is not') infile filters was case sensitive.

  • Made changes to improve usability with SFTP servers thatimplement obsolete versions of the protocol (in particular,CoreFTP on Windows).

  • Fixed a crash which would occur when spawning shell subtasks onmacOS 10.12.

  • If a Differences window has exactly one unsaved documentdisplayed and focus is in the differences list, the 'Save' and'Revert' commands will now operate on that document, rather thandoing nothing.

  • Fixed various memory leaks.

  • When running on OS X 10.10 or later and 'Increase contrast' isturned on in the system Accessibility preferences, text for UIelements in editing windows is now drawn darker, as are dividinglines between some UI elements.

  • Fixed bug in which emacs mode lines which specified unrecognizedmodes would set a document's language to 'None', even when thedocument's filename extension correctly indicated the language.

  • Made a change to Open File by Name searching so that exactmatches for the entered file name are found, even in very largesearch spaces, rather than being lost due to restrictions on themaximum number of search results.

  • When a document opens in a disk browser or results list windowas a result of clicking on an item in the sidebar (or resultslist, as appropriate), the text view no longer draws as though ithas keyboard focus, since it doesn't.

  • When running on macOS 10.12, our additions to the spelling panelare suppressed in order to work around a bug in which the OS laysout the panel incorrectly. (Radar 28263496.)

  • Fixed crashes and other misbehavior which would occurwhen switching between a color scheme and customized settings.

  • Worked around a bug in macOS 10.12 which would cause strangebehavior when switching color schemes or changing individualcolor settings in the 'Text Colors' preferences.

Text Wrangler For Mac Osx 10.10 High Sierra
