Spainpuerto Rican Genealogy

Our mission is to help all researchers make genealogical and historical discoveries.

Last Name Maternal Surname First Name Middle Name Other Name Alternate Spelling. Castillo de San Felipe del Morro is a fort that sits majestically on the northeastern coast of Puerto Rico in the capital city of San Juan. In 1983, the fort was declared a world heritage site by the. provides search services to anyone seeking genealogical, ancestral and/or historical information specific to Puerto Rico. We collect, preserve and deliver historical and genealogical information and records. Our ever growing exclusive database holds records from our non circulating private collections, government archives, generously donated materials and other resources.

What We Do

We promote and encourage the desire to discover ones family history. Our highest priority is to locate and deliver records and information. We are dedicated to providing personal service while facilitating and supporting the informational needs of all researchers.

Spain Puerto Rican Genealogy Information

How We Do It


Our search service offers simple to use research tools. We provide various search options:

    • Access our Online Records Collections pages: Instantly download and access Online Records in our Digital Downloads page.
    • Search and Request information: We provide a one of a kind searchable database for locating ancestor records in our holdings along with a simple “Request information” form. Here you will Search, Find and Request “For Fee” information and/or records. You may request a transcription of the record or you may request a digital copy of the record or citation found.
    • Our Inexpensive Confidential Private Search: For a small service fee, conducts an extensive comprehensive search. NO need to commit to costly hourly research fees. Upon receipt of results you will then decide if you would want to purchase historical documents found (where applicable) for additional fees. (Document prices vary)
    • Purchase Records: You may purchase hard to find census and other records by visiting the “Shop” page. Simply pay for and request a record. Your record will be delivered to you within 24 hours.
    • Request copies of vital records from our “Vital” records option: You may request a transcription/information and later request copies of the document cited.

Please visit our FAQ, About the Records, Sample Document and How to Search pages for more information and before purchasing records as this service is non refundable.

Spain puerto rican genealogy recordsGenealogy

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Spainpuerto Rican Genealogy

Spain Puerto Rican Genealogy Ancestry

We take pride in presenting historical and genealogical discoveries to those who have hit a brick wall. Our satisfied clients scholars, genealogist, researchers, authors, teachers and the curious whether beginner or expert benefit by researching from the comfort of their home. Favorable results have provided researchers interesting fact finds such as discovering the country of origin of their ancestors, a famous or prominent ancestor, and at times discovering an ancestor photograph or just growing their family tree while learning interesting facts about the lives they lived.

Spain Puerto Rican Genealogy Sites

If you have a curiosity about Puerto Rico, its history, and/or your family history, or perhaps you have hit a brick wall, have no time to research, or simply need help finding an elusive ancestor simply ask us for help. We invite you to become a part of our growing community of researchers.