I'm Not Really The Best Coworker

Here are 100 good farewell “thank you” messages and quotes to send to your colleagues on your last working day with a company.

#1 It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to you. I cannot thank you enough for the lessons you’ve taught me and the friendship you’ve so freely given. I will miss working with you and wish you all great things. Please keep in touch. My door will always be open to you.

Daniel Lavery: and I’m not a fan of it because, you know, I’ve TRIED it and it never gets me what I want Alicia Harris: if it’s not worth mentioning, let it go. I’m not suggesting you put up with a cliquey environment or allow yourself to be bullied by your co-workers. I’m simply saying that if everything else lines up, maybe it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a ton of friends at work. 14 Signs You're Madly In Love With A Coworker You've been working the same old boring job for some time and then one day, the company hires a new employee. The second you meet him, you know that your days in the office will never be the same agai. If you really don’t have the time to help a coworker, using this script from @tiktokjobtips is the perfect, easy way to let them down without coming off as rude. While there will be some co-workers you vibe with immediately, there will be others you just won’t feel in sync with. And if it’s someone you work with once a quarter, no big deal. But if it’s someone you have to deal with on a weekly—or daily—basis, getting comfy with your colleagues becomes way more important.

I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Song

#2 While I may no longer be able to call you my colleagues, I leave with friends, memories, and lessons learned from each of you. It’s been a pleasure getting to know and working with you during my time here. Best of luck to you all.

#3 Like any great team, you encouraged me, assisted me, and made me better at what we do. Thank you for sharing the wins and losses, the triumphs and the tribulations. Working with you has been a true privilege. Though today is my last working day here, instead of saying goodbye, I’ll say until we meet again.

#4 Some people think of “work” as a four-letter word, but working with you has been time spent with truly great people. Thank you for helping me through my time here and thank you in advance for keeping in touch. My very best to each of you.

#5 Thank you for giving me a professional home. During our time working together, you became more of a family than a group of coworkers. I’ll always cherish our friendships and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you’ve given me. I wish you all the best and bid you all farewell.

#6 As I move on to the next chapter of my professional life, I thank you for being a remarkable set of people whom I’ve greatly enjoyed working with. Thanks to each of you, I’ll never forget my time here. Best wishes to all.

#7 It’s been said that the people make a place, and I can genuinely say that it’s all of you who make this a great workplace. I’m sad to be leaving yet excited for what lies ahead, for me and for all of you. I hope our paths intersect time and again.


#8 What a wonderful gift I received, working with you! Thank you for showing me kindness, sharing your wisdom, and creating a place I’ve been happy to spend my working hours. I hope to stay in contact and wish you all the best.

#9 Today, I leave here knowing more than when I arrived. More importantly, I leave with friends I once called colleagues. Thank you for being more than coworkers. I look forward to continuing our friendships and I wish you each the very best.

#10 Our professional lives are filled with people who come and go, people we remember, and those who fade. As I move on from here, I hold you each of you in my memory, grateful for all the time we spent together. I will miss you and thank you for all you’ve given me. May our careers bring us together again.

#11 Today, I set out on a new adventure and must say goodbye for now. I will miss your friendship, your advice, your professional strength, and most of all, knowing that I have the best coworkers I could imagine. I look forward to keeping in touch with each of you.

#12 With many thanks to all of you for making my time here so rewarding, it’s time for me to say goodbye. You are true professionals and warm colleagues. I will miss working with you and wish you all success in your careers and beyond. Farewell for now.

#13 The day has arrived for me to say farewell to a truly amazing set of coworkers. I am honored to have worked among you and thank you for the chance to be a part of this team. I wish you all good luck and hope that we keep in touch throughout the years ahead.

#14 My time has come to turn a new page and say goodbye. I do so with a deep appreciation for each of you. You have been an ideal group of colleagues and I thank you. May we be fortunate enough to continue our conversations and camaraderie, although we are no longer colleagues.

#15 As I leave today, I am overflowing with gratitude. You are a truly amazing group of colleagues and my heart is happy because of the friendships we have made and the work we have done together. My thanks to each of you. May we all have coworkers as fabulous as you.

#16 Farewells are never easy, but I leave grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you, my trusted coworkers. Thank you for all the camaraderie, the support, and the happy times. I will miss you.

#17 From you, my esteemed colleagues, I learned so much. From professional skills to personal growth, you have helped me in so many ways. It is with great respect for each of you and sadness at the thought of no longer working together that I must say farewell. Many thanks and good wishes for all that is to come.

#18 As I step forward on a new path, I do so with humble thanks to each of you. Both inside the workplace and out, you have been an inspiring and admirable group of coworkers. Thank you for showing me what a wonderful place work can be. I wish each of you the best and look forward to keeping in touch.

#19 The time has come for me to start something new. I depart today with warm memories of my time spent here and the work we’ve done. Thank you to everyone who provided guidance, companionship, assistance, and of course, laughter. I will miss this team and hope we keep in touch. Good luck to each of you.

#20 Transitions are filled with anticipation and sorrow. As I prepare to move on, I’m sad to say goodbye to you. You have been a part of my daily life and I’ll miss each of you. At the same time, I’m eager to see how all of your careers unfold and to begin my next venture. I hope we keep in touch and I wish you all good luck.

#21 As I say goodbye, I think fondly of each of you and the roles you played in making this workplace more than just a job. You, dear colleagues, have made it rewarding, fun, and a place that I will miss. Thank you and best of luck to each of you.

#22 Starting a new chapter is always challenging, as it begins by ending one. I will miss working with each of you. Thank you for all the help, the laughs, and the time we’ve shared. I will always look back at this chapter with fond memories. May the next one be equally rewarding for each of you.

#23 Some people refer to workplace friendships as situational, limited to the time and place of being colleagues. During my time here, I’ve made so many friends and I sincerely hope we prove those people wrong. Thank you for everything and please keep in touch.

#24 I move on today, strengthened by the support of a team of colleagues, unlike any other. Thank you for helping me to grow, allowing me to learn, and for all the kind words you’ve shared. I will miss you all.

#25 Working with all of you has been such a wonderful experience as it’s each of you that has made this job a joy. Thank you for creating such a welcoming work environment and for being more than simply coworkers. While our paths may diverge, I hope we keep in contact.

#26 Teamwork is so incredible when someone has coworkers like you. It was a genuine pleasure to work with each one of you. As I leave you, it is with a full heart that I wish you the absolute best.

#27 I never imagined when I started working here that I would make so many friends. You have all been amazing coworkers, and I am grateful for the honor of having worked with you. I leave knowing my life is better for having worked here.

#28 Leaving this job is proving harder than I thought it was going to be. I know that the bond we shared as coworkers will not be easily found elsewhere. I count myself fortunate to have worked with every one of you. Thank you for everything.

#29 It is with a grateful heart that I thank you for all that you’ve done for me. You are a fantastic group of colleagues. I count it a privilege and an honor to have worked with each one of you. May all your futures be full of outstanding achievements.

#30 I have learned so much in my time working here, and I think the most important lesson is how well a team can work together. Thank you for taking me in and teaching me how to be the best I can be at my job. Wishing you the absolute best.

#31 I am lucky to have been a part of such an amazing team. It is hard to imagine not walking in here and seeing you each day, but tomorrow is a new start for me. I will miss the bond we have had as coworkers. I wish you all the best in your future.

#32 As I depart, I am grateful that I do not have to be concerned about leaving my responsibilities. I know that everything will be fine because you are a great group of coworkers and a fantastic team. Take care and good luck to all of you.

#33 My hope is that my departure will not affect the friendships we have developed. The truth is that you are more than just colleagues to me, so I look forward to staying in touch. Wishing you all my best.

#34 As the expression goes, “parting is such sweet sorrow.” That is exactly what I’m feeling. I hate to leave such a good group of coworkers, but I am excited about my future. Thanks to each of you for your help in making my time here a success.

#35 I don’t think that I could have asked for a better group of colleagues. I offer my huge thank you to each of you for all of your help. You have been a joy to work with, and I wish you the best for your future.

#36 I count it a great honor to have worked with all of you. I have learned something valuable from each one of you and leave a better person. Thank you for being such a wonderful group of colleagues.

#37 It has been an honor working with each one of you. In all honesty, you are such a fantastic group of coworkers. I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you did for me. You are the most wonderful group of people I have worked with.

#38 You have been such an incredible group of coworkers. It is difficult to imagine my life away from this company. However, I am excited to venture out into new places to learn new things. I take with me pleasant memories of knowing each of you. All my best to you.

#39 It seems like just yesterday that I started working here. I cannot believe that I am actually leaving. I honestly could not have asked for a better group of coworkers. You are a fantastic group of people to work with. Thank you all.

#40 Working with all of you has been the best experience of my work history. I have never known a more talented group of colleagues, and you work together so well. Thank you for taking me in and mentoring me. I wish you all the best.

#41 I have enjoyed working with all of you. I know that as I leave here, I am a far better person than when I arrived. As colleagues go, you are all the best! I will miss you and wish you all success and happiness.

#42 It seems that we spend more time with our coworkers than with our own family. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to work with all of you. You encouraged me and supported me more than you will ever know. I hope your kindness is rewarded in abundance.

#43 I have never worked with a more incredible group of colleagues. You taught me the value of working hard but also taking time to enjoy those around you. Thank you, and my best wishes to you all.

#44 Saying goodbye is always hard for me and so much more now because I have to say goodbye to all of you. You have been a far better group of coworkers than I dreamed. I’ve learned so much from being a part of this team, so thank you all.

#45 I know that it was not always easy teaching me, so I say with a grateful heart, thank you! You have been a wonderful group of coworkers. I am thankful for the wisdom you entrusted to me. Take care and best wishes.

#46 I look back on my time here with great fondness. As coworkers, you have been the most supportive group I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Thank you for pouring your wisdom into me. I hope we can stay in touch with each other.

#47 Sometimes an office environment can be challenging to navigate. I can say that without a doubt that this was not the case here. You have been the best coworkers I have ever worked with. Thank you for your help and support. Wishing you great success in all you do.

#48 I am grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful group of colleagues. Throughout my time here, your patience and support were a constant source of encouragement. With my deepest gratitude, I wish you all the best for your future.

#49 I have grown in ways I never expected while working with all of you. You are a fantastic group of coworkers who have gone the extra mile to set me up for success. Thank you all for sharing your wisdom with me.


#50 I am ready to spread my wings and fly off into new and exciting adventures. I find myself sad at the thought of leaving because you were such terrific colleagues. I wish you all great success in your future endeavors.


Best Thank You Messages for Colleagues When Leaving Quotes

“Live the life you’ve imagined.”
Henry David Thoreau

“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
Helen Keller

“Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.”
Thomas Aquinas

“Make your life a mission – not an intermission.”
Arnold H. Glasgow

“Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm & constant.”

“Life is lived on the edge.”
Will Smith

“Live for each second without hesitation.”
Elton John

“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
Linda Grayson

“I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun.”
Charles R. Swindoll

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.”
Thomas Aquinas

“Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives and remembering what one receives.”
Alexander Dumas

“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.”
Douglas Pagels

“True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks.”
St. Jerome

“Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.”
Samuel Butler

“If you have two friends in your lifetime, you’re lucky. If you have one good friend, you’re more than lucky.”
S.E. Hinton

“Make each day your masterpiece.”
John Wooden


“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to.”
Henry James

“Kid, you’ll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”
Dr. Seuss

“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.”
Bernard Meltzer

“Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what life was like without them.”
Anna Taylor

“Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends.”
Jacques Delille

“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.”
Bob Marley

“A good friend is a connection to life — a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.”
Lois Wyse

“Dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.”
William W. Purkey

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

I'm Not Really The Best Coworkers

“Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.”
Francesco Guicciardini

“Friends should be like books, few, but hand-selected.”
C.J. Langenhoven

“You have just one life to live. It is yours. Own it, claim it, live it, do the best you can with it.”
Hillary Clinton


“We no longer live life. We consume it.”
Vicki Robin

“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.”
Will Rogers

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Mahatma Gandhi

I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Meme

“Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.”
Benjamin Franklin

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

“No friendship is an accident.”
O. Henry

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”
Helen Keller

“Never regret anything that made you smile.”
Mark Twain

“Keep calm and carry on.”
Winston S. Churchill

“I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.”
Robert Brault

I'm Not Really The Best Coworker Movie

“One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.”

“Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friends.”
H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“Live each day as if your life had just begun.”
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.”
Martin H. Fischer

“Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead; do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead.”
Anna Cummins

“Of all possessions a friend is the most precious.”

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”
C.S. Lewis

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
Anais Nin

“If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.”
Zig Ziglar

“The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give.”
William Arthur Ward

Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entreprenuer, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.